carolinaop_photo: Nancy McKellips, age
carolinaop_photo: Lillie de La O, age 93, playing cards with Pablo, the Memories Senior services owner.
carolinaop_photo: card games
carolinaop_photo: Lee Ellithorpe playing with Coqueta, the resident dog, in the tv room.
carolinaop_photo: Nancy McKellips bedroom.
carolinaop_photo: Ana and Lillie laughing at a joke during dinner.
carolinaop_photo: Socorro and Connie, the caregivers, in the kitchen.
carolinaop_photo: lee relaxing in his chair in his room
carolinaop_photo: Socorro, Connie, Coqueta, Lee and Ana sitting in the TV room
carolinaop_photo: Ana Pedroza, Owner/ Administrator in front of her bussiness