tony.lambert: V2 60831
tony.lambert: J27 65894
tony.lambert: A1 60145 Saint Mungo
tony.lambert: A1 60129 Guy Mannering
tony.lambert: V3 67678
tony.lambert: Unidentified K1
tony.lambert: A3 Pacific 60051 "Blink Bonny"
tony.lambert: V2 60929 and Brush Type 4
tony.lambert: 9F 92099
tony.lambert: K1 62010
tony.lambert: A1 Pacific 60147 North Eastern
tony.lambert: V2 60859
tony.lambert: J27 65804
tony.lambert: WD 90378
tony.lambert: 9F. 92062
tony.lambert: A1. 60131. Osprey.
tony.lambert: Stanier Class 5. 45295.
tony.lambert: Stanier Class 5. 45092
tony.lambert: Standard Class 5. 73064.
tony.lambert: Ivatt Class 2 Tank 41217
tony.lambert: Standard Class 5. 73122
tony.lambert: 3F Tank 47326
tony.lambert: Standard Class Britannia. 70037 Hereward the Wake
tony.lambert: Ivatt Class 2 Tank
tony.lambert: WD 90217
tony.lambert: B1 K1 A1
tony.lambert: Ivatt Class 4. 43084
tony.lambert: A1 60152 Holyrood
tony.lambert: K1 62065