failing_angel: The Cave of Spleen (1896)
failing_angel: The Cave of Spleen (1896)
failing_angel: The Cave of Spleen (1896)
failing_angel: Volpone Adoring his Treasure (1898)
failing_angel: Volpone Adoring his Treasure (1898)
failing_angel: Volpone Initial (1898)
failing_angel: Volpone Initial (1898)
failing_angel: Volpone Initial (1898)
failing_angel: In Memoriam (c.1923)
failing_angel: In Memoriam (c.1923)
failing_angel: In Memoriam (c.1923)
failing_angel: 'How did you manage to come on the great rolling river?'
failing_angel: 'I know what you want,' said the Sea Witch
failing_angel: Mlle. de Maupin (1926)
failing_angel: Toad of Whitehall (1967)
failing_angel: Toad of Whitehall (1967)
failing_angel: The Return
failing_angel: Arthur and the Strange Mantle (1893)
failing_angel: The Scarlet Pastorale (1894)
failing_angel: The Scarlet Pastorale (1894)
failing_angel: The Cave of Spleen (1896)
failing_angel: Mlle. de Maupin (1926)
failing_angel: Toad of Whitehall (1967)
failing_angel: Replacing the Ebury Estate
failing_angel: Replacing the Ebury Estate
failing_angel: Empty in Preparation
failing_angel: Masks and Water
failing_angel: Theatre Royal Haymarket
failing_angel: Shuttered
failing_angel: Tools of Endearment