Paul A. Albert 63: Classy Neighborhood.
Paul A. Albert 63: Big Sky Country Mat'e
Paul A. Albert 63: Lady Jester-1
Paul A. Albert 63: Yoda & Darth
Paul A. Albert 63: Big Sky Puppy-1
Paul A. Albert 63: 59 Corvette
Paul A. Albert 63: FAST ART Auto
Paul A. Albert 63: One Piece at a Time
Paul A. Albert 63: Monty - Bad to the bone!
Paul A. Albert 63: Portrait of a clown 1
Paul A. Albert 63: Betty Jean. Inflate Your Imigination
Paul A. Albert 63: Humming Bird
Paul A. Albert 63: Crowd Pleasers
Paul A. Albert 63: Second Wave
Paul A. Albert 63: Balloon Fiesta 2014
Paul A. Albert 63: OH My ! So that's Hunka Hunka !
Paul A. Albert 63: Light Your Spirit
Paul A. Albert 63: Dawns Early Light
Paul A. Albert 63: The Flight of Darth Nikon D7100
Paul A. Albert 63: You are my Sunshine
Paul A. Albert 63: Only 10 K Copies
Paul A. Albert 63: 1957 Chevrolet Nikon D7100
Paul A. Albert 63: DSC_1033-1-Blown Away
Paul A. Albert 63: Hey! Big Boy Nikon D7100
Paul A. Albert 63: OLD YeLLa !
Paul A. Albert 63: Maybe, Just Mabe !
Paul A. Albert 63: Peace Rose 2014
Paul A. Albert 63: F- Hoodie Greyhound
Paul A. Albert 63: If Only it had wings !