stephenleady: DSC05221 Robin Eggs soon to hatch
stephenleady: DSC05272 Stink bug eggs
stephenleady: DSC05296 Robin on eggs
stephenleady: DSC05305 Red Bellied woodpecker
stephenleady: DSC05309 Red Bellied Woodpecker
stephenleady: DSC05318 Sleepy Rde Bellied Woodpecker
stephenleady: DSC05322 Red Bellied Woodpecker
stephenleady: DSC05337 Chipmunk
stephenleady: DSC05353 Black and Orange Moth
stephenleady: DSC05358 Gray Catbird
stephenleady: DSC05365 Northern Flicker
stephenleady: DSC05366 Northern Flicker