Modesto Vega:
Storm over the vineyard [BW]
Modesto Vega:
Parting the field (III)/Sendero a traves del campo (III)
Modesto Vega:
Parting the field (I)
Modesto Vega:
Parting the field (II)/Sendero a traves del campo (II)
Modesto Vega:
Track among spikelets (I)/Roderas entre las espies (I)
Modesto Vega:
A sea of grass (I)
Modesto Vega:
There is a storm down there ... (IV)
Modesto Vega:
There is a storm down there ... (III)
Modesto Vega:
There is a storm down there ... (II)
Modesto Vega:
There is a storm down there ... (I)
Modesto Vega:
Grass Blades/Hierba
Modesto Vega:
Surrey Fields [III]/Campos de Surrey [III]
Modesto Vega:
Revisiting the way ahead/El camino adelante revisitado
Modesto Vega:
Sprouting Field [II] [BW]
Modesto Vega:
In the shadow, in sunlight/En la sombre, en el sol
Modesto Vega:
Green Contours
Modesto Vega:
Tracks on sprouting field [I]/Roderas en un campo germinando [I]
Modesto Vega:
Sprouting Field [I]/Campo germinando
Modesto Vega:
Fresh field/Nueva Cosecha
Modesto Vega:
Track across spikelets field/Roderas entre las espies (II)
Modesto Vega:
Spikelets field (II)/Campo de espigas (II)
Modesto Vega:
Grazing in unseasonal weather (I)/Caballos pastando en Verano (I)
Modesto Vega:
Unseasonal summer weather (I)
Modesto Vega:
Unseasonal summer weather (II)/Atipico Verano (II)
Modesto Vega:
Unseasonal summer weather (III)/Verano atipico(III)
Modesto Vega:
Unseasonal summer weather (IV)/Verano atipico (IV)
Modesto Vega:
The shadow of the clouds (III) [BW]/La sombra de las tubes (III) [BN]
Modesto Vega:
Are you looking at me? (I)
Modesto Vega:
Are you looking at me? (I) [BW]/Me estas mirando? [BN]
Modesto Vega:
Illuminated field/Campo iluminado