Modesto Vega:
Lone trees in the vineyard, Winter
Modesto Vega:
The way ahead/El camino a seguir
Modesto Vega:
Empty vine rows (II)/Vides vacías (II)
Modesto Vega:
Lone tree in the vineyard/Arbol solo en el viñedo
Modesto Vega:
Starting to rain/Empieza a llover
Modesto Vega:
Lone trees in the vineyard (II)/Arboles solitarios en el viñedo (II)
Modesto Vega:
Lone tree in the vineyard, early spring
Modesto Vega:
Revisiting the way ahead/El camino adelante revisitado
Modesto Vega:
Full vine rows (I)/Viñas (I)
Modesto Vega:
Lone trees in the vineyard, autunm (I)/Solitarios arboles en el viñedo (I)
Modesto Vega:
Autumn in the vineyard (I)
Modesto Vega:
Autumn in the vineyard (II)/Otoño en el viñedo (II)