David 1977:
Queensday in Amsterdam
David 1977:
Queensday in Amsterdam
David 1977:
Throwing balls
David 1977:
David 1977:
Little man
David 1977:
David 1977:
Playing a game called ´knikkeren´
David 1977:
A little orchestra
David 1977:
Throwing eggs on ´Beatrix´
David 1977:
Tricky game
David 1977:
Me and the little docter
David 1977:
White Stork
David 1977:
Little guitarplayer
David 1977:
Little guitarplayer
David 1977:
Fishing for bottles
David 1977:
Fishing is serious business
David 1977:
David 1977:
I had to try the fishing too
David 1977:
Putting the bra on Bea
David 1977:
Busy park
David 1977:
Quiet sky
David 1977:
Daddy cool