tristanba: White-necked Jacobin Florisuga mellivora (f)
ian hurst of mansfield: Herzegovina group. 5009 (2)
ian hurst of mansfield: Swallowtail. IMG_4285 (2)
colemanr20: Heather Shieldbug
joe with a camera: Cercyon melanocephalus
tristanba: Yellow-eared Toucanet Selenidera spectabilis (m)
tristanba: Centipede sp
tristanba: Ladoffa arcuata
tristanba: British Coreidae species
stevebirder: eupteryx-urticae
tristanba: Scintillant Hummingbird Selasphorus scintilla (m)
tristanba: Magnificent Hummingbird Eugenes fulgens(m)
tristanba: Resplendent Quetzal Pharomachrus mocinno (m)
Lev Frid: Grasshopper
Gryllus: Mottled Grasshopper
lofaesofa: Wanstead Flats Paparazzi