mattpatmcneil: Fred Sieckman, three times great uncle from Germany
mattpatmcneil: Marie and Fred Sieckmann Enhanced 1893
mattpatmcneil: Frederick Sieckmann
mattpatmcneil: Fred Sieckman and Hilda Plaumann wedding
mattpatmcneil: Family Gathering 1939
mattpatmcneil: Fred Sieckman (great great great uncle from Germany) colorized.
mattpatmcneil: Marie, my great great great grandmother with her son, Fred. Wisconsin, 1893.
mattpatmcneil: Top Row: Fred Behling( maternal g-g uncle), Fred Sieckman( g-g-g uncle). Sitting: Minnie Sieckman Koeppen( g-g-g aunt), Minnie Steffen Behling ( Fred Behling's wife) and Dora Sieckman Knoll( g-g grandmother). Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1909.
mattpatmcneil: Fred Sieckman