mattpatmcneil: Great grandma Emma (Knoll) Behling.
mattpatmcneil: Mary, Len, Emma and Lyn (in back) around 1938
mattpatmcneil: Family group photo, 1920s
mattpatmcneil: Emma Knoll Behling colorized.
mattpatmcneil: Great grandma Emma Behling at Niagara Falls 1951
mattpatmcneil: Old Family Photo
mattpatmcneil: My great great grandma Dora Knoll with daughters Elsie (right) Emma (behind) and Lilly (left).
mattpatmcneil: Emma 1960s
mattpatmcneil: Eerie photo of my Great grandma Emma and great uncle
mattpatmcneil: Close up of Emma and Dora.
mattpatmcneil: Family group photo, 1920s
mattpatmcneil: Emma Dorathea Minna Knoll Behling (Great Grandmother)
mattpatmcneil: My Grandparents Wedding in clear color 1953
mattpatmcneil: Four Generations
mattpatmcneil: Knoll Family
mattpatmcneil: Emma and William 1922 wedding
mattpatmcneil: Behling Family
mattpatmcneil: Emma and her sister Elsie.
mattpatmcneil: Great grandma Emma and great aunt Mary. Mary's college graduation.
mattpatmcneil: Emma Behling wearing hat around 1925
mattpatmcneil: My grandma with her mother, Emma
mattpatmcneil: My grandma (left) with family around 1933 in Illinois.
mattpatmcneil: Behling Family circa 1931
mattpatmcneil: Emma Knoll Behling 1940s in color
mattpatmcneil: Emma in her band outfit
mattpatmcneil: Emma Dorathea Minna Knoll, great grandmother.
mattpatmcneil: Great grandma Emma and a young great aunt Mary.
mattpatmcneil: Behling Family 1941
mattpatmcneil: Great grandma Emma
mattpatmcneil: Elsie, Dora, Emma and Lilly Knoll