m.aisanen: Side entrance to the tunnels, and the old guard house above.
m.aisanen: Another side entrance.
m.aisanen: The third side entrance.
m.aisanen: Old barracks outside.
m.aisanen: The main entrance.
m.aisanen: The main entrance, right side.
m.aisanen: Path up to the guardhouse.
m.aisanen: Concrete bridge to the guard house.
m.aisanen: Guard house.
m.aisanen: Inside the upper floor.
m.aisanen: Bottle of liquor.
m.aisanen: Lower floor, presumably a boiler room.
m.aisanen: Old newspapers.
m.aisanen: Lower floor, back room.
m.aisanen: Sealed entrance?
m.aisanen: At the railing.
m.aisanen: Concrete tower.
m.aisanen: Concrete tower, looking up.
m.aisanen: Concrete tower, maintenance hatch.
m.aisanen: Guard house from above.
m.aisanen: Administration building #1
m.aisanen: Administration building #2
m.aisanen: Administration building #3
m.aisanen: Administration building #4
m.aisanen: Administration building #5
m.aisanen: Administration building #6