shutterbug40: IMG_9474_Juvenile Male Downy Woodpecker at wbu Suet Cylinder Log eating HP Super Suet Cylinder
shutterbug40: IMG_2649.Fall Downy on Screen Combo eating HPBB
shutterbug40: IMG_2650 Fall Downy eating HPBB from Screen Combo Feeder
shutterbug40: IMG_2353 Downy eating HPBB from Screen Combo Feeder
shutterbug40: IMG_2054 Young Male Cardinal on 3 in 1 Screen Combo Feeder
shutterbug40: IMG_1897 Downy and Goldfinch on 3 in 1 Screen Combo Feeder
shutterbug40: IMG_3669 Downy eating HPBB
shutterbug40: IMG_3664 Downy eating HPBB
shutterbug40: Downy eating from Bark Butter Window Feeder 2018
shutterbug40: IMG_3909 Downy and catbird fight over mealworms
shutterbug40: 20210109-_H4A9972 Downy eating from HPBB heart
shutterbug40: _H4A0098 Downy at the HBBath
shutterbug40: IMG_0185 Downy and Chickadee share a drink
shutterbug40: IMG_8811_Juvenile Northern Flicker and Juvenile Downy hanging out together
shutterbug40: 2024 06 14 Mommy Downy feeding babies on Flyin' Bistro_H4A8555
shutterbug40: 2024 06 14 Mommy Downy feeding babies on Flyin' Bistro_H4A8555
shutterbug40: 2024 06 14 Mommy Downy feeding two male babies Safflower from the WBU Flyin' Bistro_H4A8551
shutterbug40: 2024 06 14 Mommy Downy Feeding two male babies Safflower on WBU Flyin' Bistro_H4A8547
shutterbug40: 2024 06 14 Mommy Downy feeding two male babies Safflower on WBU Flyin' Bistro Feeder_H4A8532