Debbie the Deboxer: Guadalupe 'Lupe' Calvazos
Debbie the Deboxer: Lupe looks like a gypsy
Debbie the Deboxer: Lupe prepares for her dance
Debbie the Deboxer: Lupe shows off her dress
Debbie the Deboxer: Trio of belles
Debbie the Deboxer: Arden dressed for the Kentucky Derby
Debbie the Deboxer: Arden enjoys the day
Debbie the Deboxer: Arden is enjoying herself
Debbie the Deboxer: Arden loves the camera
Debbie the Deboxer: Arden may be a belle but she's not demure
Debbie the Deboxer: Drew in her Kentucky Derby wear
Debbie the Deboxer: Drew laughs at convention
Debbie the Deboxer: Drew loves the Kentucky Derby
Debbie the Deboxer: Drew removes her chapeau as soon as possible
Debbie the Deboxer: Drew shows off her sundress
Debbie the Deboxer: Drew shows off her togs
Debbie the Deboxer: Drew tries to act like a lady
Debbie the Deboxer: Goldie, Arden & Drew
Debbie the Deboxer: Genevieve Padalecki
Debbie the Deboxer: The Look Lace Dress Barbie aka Gen Padalecki
Debbie the Deboxer: Ygritte models a purgle party dress
Debbie the Deboxer: Barbie The Look purple dress aka Ygritte Snow