Debbie the Deboxer: Chloe, Aurora & Daria think tonights the night for a party
Debbie the Deboxer: Chloe's hair is out of control
Debbie the Deboxer: Daria & Montana
Debbie the Deboxer: Daria hates being bothered for photos when she's relaxing
Debbie the Deboxer: Daria in a casual top
Debbie the Deboxer: Daria in a silver & purple dress
Debbie the Deboxer: Daria in turquoise
Debbie the Deboxer: Daria is a glittering peach
Debbie the Deboxer: Daria is coming in early from a night out
Debbie the Deboxer: Daria lets her hair down
Debbie the Deboxer: Daria makes pink look hot
Debbie the Deboxer: Daria, Marisa & Cynthia model MS Bling Bling fashions
Debbie the Deboxer: Edie looks out over the world
Debbie the Deboxer: Edie's blue eyes glow
Debbie the Deboxer: Elphaba & Pink Velvet
Debbie the Deboxer: Elphaba in a multi-striped top
Debbie the Deboxer: Elphaba wonders if purple is her color
Debbie the Deboxer: Erica can't wait for cooler weather
Debbie the Deboxer: Erica can't wait to hit the beach
Debbie the Deboxer: Erica enjoys the warm weather
Debbie the Deboxer: Erica glows in her pink dress
Debbie the Deboxer: Erica in a peach peasant top
Debbie the Deboxer: Erica keeps cool in her aqua outfit
Debbie the Deboxer: Erica looks at the city
Debbie the Deboxer: Erica loves the fire escape
Debbie the Deboxer: Erica melting in the sun
Debbie the Deboxer: Erica the gypsy
Debbie the Deboxer: Even Daria's hair can't handle the heat
Debbie the Deboxer: Maraschino in a casual top