Anti-Heart: given light
Anti-Heart: Bridge across the sky
Anti-Heart: evolving
Anti-Heart: angle of beauty
Anti-Heart: good day
Anti-Heart: Brooklyn that day
Anti-Heart: ...left behind
Anti-Heart: about a year ago
Anti-Heart: the webs we make
Anti-Heart: Hornet & Hummingbird
Anti-Heart: blurry mind
Anti-Heart: can I be close to you?
Anti-Heart: savage
Anti-Heart: Orange & Blue
Anti-Heart: weary twigs
Anti-Heart: I adore you so.
Anti-Heart: mosaic
Anti-Heart: enhanced barbed wire
Anti-Heart: day at the harbour
Anti-Heart: more unseen...
Anti-Heart: wintertime
Anti-Heart: a day on the Lake
Anti-Heart: up and up
Anti-Heart: Yellow Square
Anti-Heart: Layering
Anti-Heart: Transcending continents
Anti-Heart: Transcending worlds