Zingraf Photo: Testing my new Sony A7ii with SEL 85mm with Eduard
Zingraf Photo: next testing Pic of Eduard with new Sony A7ii
Zingraf Photo: shootting under the shopping-mall with Galina
Zingraf Photo: sunny day in Bremen
Zingraf Photo: A parking garage does not look really nice, but if you use the correct camera settings and a beautiful model @galina..... >the result will be amazing
Zingraf Photo: Bike in the Wild
Zingraf Photo: die wahrscheinlich letzten Sommertage des Jahres mit Galina genießen
Zingraf Photo: chill out before the storm comes @rgasm you can follow him on YouTube https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC68k0Fg-jy-dxAEXEo4cgKQ?view_as=subscriber
Zingraf Photo: just a lovely and happy smile @galina
Zingraf Photo: one of the most important gadgets in our life 😁
Zingraf Photo: amazing life as a child, no worries only fun
Zingraf Photo: tried to play with the shadows and light, the result seems to be nice thanks to @rgasm for the moment
Zingraf Photo: exploring new location with Erika, stay tuned for more pictures
Zingraf Photo: spezielles Foto, es war plötzlich sehr regnerisch und chaotisch doch trotz allem hat sie es geschafft sich bei dem Wetter in Szene zu setzen 😁
Zingraf Photo: detailed moment
Zingraf Photo: the moment when you get rains and sunrays at once
Zingraf Photo: one more pic of Erika
Zingraf Photo: Husqvarna at its best
Zingraf Photo: Relaxing
Zingraf Photo: hold the balance in your life
Zingraf Photo: brake under the sunset
Zingraf Photo: Hi all one more pic of Erika with amazing sunset
Zingraf Photo: smile after delicious lunch at cafe del sol
Zingraf Photo: walking in Bremen City with Galina
Zingraf Photo: time for some autumn pictures
Zingraf Photo: light and shadow
Zingraf Photo: Bremen City Shooting with Galina
Zingraf Photo: Bremer Dom
Zingraf Photo: one more pic of our tour in Bremen City with Galina