merjapriest: Shorts for my little girl.
merjapriest: Butterfly wings
merjapriest: Butterfly wings
merjapriest: Butterfly wings
merjapriest: Butterfly wings
merjapriest: Birthday present bag
merjapriest: DIY pyjama pants kit
merjapriest: Economy blocks
merjapriest: More economy blocks.
merjapriest: More economy blocks.
merjapriest: Tote bag. Might make a second version too.
merjapriest: Bag for my little miss
merjapriest: Bag for my little miss
merjapriest: Bag for my little miss
merjapriest: Necessary clutch wallet, attempt no. 1...
merjapriest: Necessary clutch wallet and I'm loving it!!! Second attempt and much better results.
merjapriest: Necessary clutch wallet and I'm loving it!!! Second attempt and much better results.