chikaoka1: 犬散歩-4🌸 Cherry blossoms bloomed!!
chikaoka1: 白 梅-2 White Ume-plum blossoms (Prunus nume)-2
chikaoka1: 春の陽と水仙 Spring sun & Narcissus
chikaoka1: 海の煌めき-1 Sparkle of the sea-1
chikaoka1: 雪の朝-3 Snow-morning-3
chikaoka1: 寒 梅-3 White Ume-plum blossoms (Prunus Ume)-3
chikaoka1: 北 風 Reed blown in the north wind-1
chikaoka1: 北風に吹かれて Reed blown in the north wind-2
chikaoka1: 八つ手 Fatsia japonica
chikaoka1: 冬空に in the winter sky-1
chikaoka1: 蠟 梅-3 Chinonanthus praecox (Winter sweet)-3
chikaoka1: 梅一輪-4 White Ume-plum blossoms (Prunus nume)-4
chikaoka1: 花の輪 in the winter sky-2
chikaoka1: 水仙畑-3 Narcissus farm-3
chikaoka1: 寒梅-5 White Ume-plum bloosomes (Prunus Ume)--5
chikaoka1: 水仙と大観覧車-2 Narcissus & Ferris Wheel-2
chikaoka1: スイセン Narcissus
chikaoka1: 梅満開 Plum blossoms (Prunus Ume)
chikaoka1: 椿 Camellia japonica
chikaoka1: 紅 梅 Plum blossoms (Prunus Ume)
chikaoka1: メジロと桜-1 Japanese White-eye and "Kawazu-zakura"-1
chikaoka1: 真間川 Mama-Gawa River
chikaoka1: ハイ"ちーず" Hey, smile"- "Cat's photographer"-2
chikaoka1: 桜満開-2 Cherry tree in full bloom-2 "Kawazu-zakura"
chikaoka1: 桜満開-1 Cherry tree in full bloom-1 "Kawazu-zakura"
chikaoka1: 冬空の梅 Plum blossoms (Prunus Ume)
chikaoka1: 郭沫若記念館 Ichikawa-City Guo Moruo Memorial Center
chikaoka1: カワセミ Alcedo atthis
chikaoka1: ひな祭り Hina-matsuriー Seven-tiered Hina doll set
chikaoka1: 国分山国分寺南大門額-2 National historic site / Shimousa-Kokubunji-templー Namdaemun-historic-gateーHengaku