chikaoka1: 半夏生頃に Japanese snowbell-1
chikaoka1: 百日紅-1 Lagerstroemia indica (英 Crape-myrtle)
chikaoka1: 草叢の詩-2 Poetry of the grass-2
chikaoka1: 紅い百日紅-5 Lagerstroemia indica (英Crape-myrtle)-5
chikaoka1: 恋しい夏空-1 The summer sky which I yearn for!!!-1
chikaoka1: 茶トラ a stray cat "Chia-Tora" cat
chikaoka1: 数珠玉の花 flowers of Coix lacryma-jobi (英 Job's tears)
chikaoka1: 葛花-1 Pueraria lobata (kudzu)-1
chikaoka1: 赤い花 red flower
chikaoka1: 朝顔-2 Ipomoea nil (英Morning glory)-2
chikaoka1: 百日紅-7 Lagerstroemia indica (Crape-myrtle)-7
chikaoka1: 恋しい夏空-2 The summer sky which I yearn for!!-2
chikaoka1: 百日紅-8 Lagerstroemia indica(英 Crape-myrtle)-8
chikaoka1: 雲間にTSTーBetween clouds the TOKYO SkyTree
chikaoka1: 朝顔 Ipomoea nil (英Morning glory)
chikaoka1: 雨宿り ーtake shelter from the rainー stray cat "Ko-Tarou" and "Chia-Tora"cats.
chikaoka1: 草叢の詩-3 ギシギシ Poetry of the grass-3 Rumex japonicus
chikaoka1: 松葉牡丹 Portulaca grandiflora
chikaoka1: 白い百日紅 Lagerstroemia indica (Crape-myrtel) - white
chikaoka1: ブンブン/花衝羽根空木Abelia x grandiflora-1
chikaoka1: 草叢の詩-1 Poetry of the grass!!!-1
chikaoka1: 夏空に!!! in the Summer sky!!!
chikaoka1: 夏の日の思い出-1 The memory of the summer day.
chikaoka1: すみだ水族館-2 Sumida Aquarium-2
chikaoka1: "Solamachi-blue" ーTOKYO SkyTree
chikaoka1: 海の草原 Sumida Aquarium-1
chikaoka1: 夏の思い出-3 The memory of the summer day.
chikaoka1: 葛西臨海公園 Kasai Marine Park
chikaoka1: COREDO室町2
chikaoka1: タコクラゲ Spotted Lagoon jellyーMastigias papua