chikaoka1: 雪吊(ゆきつり) Yukitsuri-Pinus
chikaoka1: 鷺-紅葉 Plumed egret and Momiji( Japanese maple)
chikaoka1: 冬支度 Winter clothes
chikaoka1: 秋-紅葉 Autumn-Momiji (Japanese maple)
chikaoka1: 池紅葉-1 the colored leaves which appear in the spring-1
chikaoka1: 泉のもり-1 Spring of the forest-1
chikaoka1: 池の面 Momiji(Japanese maple)
chikaoka1: 渡月橋からのもみじ Momiji(Japanese maple)
chikaoka1: 泉のもり-4 Spring of the forest-3
chikaoka1: イイギリの赤い実-3 Idesia polycarpa
chikaoka1: 蓮池晩秋 Hasuike of the late fall.
chikaoka1: 紅一点 The only female(crimson)-Momiji
chikaoka1: 森と泉 Spring of the forest-4
chikaoka1: 紅 Crimson-Momiji
chikaoka1: 群青の池 Pond of the sea blue
chikaoka1: イイギリの赤い実 Idersia polycarpa
chikaoka1: 池紅葉-2the colored leaves which appear in the spring-2
chikaoka1: 晩秋紅葉 Late fall autumn colorsーMomiji
chikaoka1: 末永くPlease love hime(her)forever.
chikaoka1: 紅葉衣 Kimono of colored leaves!?!
chikaoka1: 水仙 Narcissus(Suisen)
chikaoka1: 緑紅葉 Green colored leaves
chikaoka1: 桜紅葉 cherry-tree colored leaves
chikaoka1: 水紋 Water ring
chikaoka1: カワセミ Alcedo atthis
chikaoka1: 内庭 Uchi-niwa-Momiji
chikaoka1: 松葉赤もみじ pine-needles and colored leaves(Momiji)
chikaoka1: MERRY CHRISTMAS-4
chikaoka1: サンタクロース-3
chikaoka1: メリークリスマス-2