chikaoka1: 麦秋の空 Summer clouds and wheat
chikaoka1: ソバ畑の丘 field of Soba(buckwheat) hill and one tree
chikaoka1: ぜるぶの丘・亜斗夢の丘 Zerubu hill
chikaoka1: 白金模範牧場と十勝岳 view of Tokachidake
chikaoka1: あるぱか Alpaca(Vicugna pacos)
chikaoka1: ラベンダーの丘から from Lavender-covered slope hill
chikaoka1: ぜるぶの丘の鐘 Zerubu hill and Bell.
chikaoka1: 青い池 The blue pond in Biei
chikaoka1: サルビヤの丘Flower(Salvia splendens) -field slope in Naka-Furano
chikaoka1: ラベンダーの丘 Flower(Lavender)- field slope in Naka-Furano
chikaoka1: 太平洋の朝陽から the morning sun of the Pacific Ocean
chikaoka1: さんふらわあ MOL Ferry- Sunflower Furano.
chikaoka1: さんふらわあ ふらの Sunflower Furano
chikaoka1: 中富良野 Flower-field slope in Naka-Furano
chikaoka1: 中富良野 Field of Lavender in Naka-Furano
chikaoka1: 美瑛- 四季彩の丘 Shikisai-no-oka in Biei
chikaoka1: 拓真館 Takushinkan- Photo gallery in Biei
chikaoka1: 大雪山の花ーシナノキンバイ(エゾキンバイソウ)Trollius japonicaus
chikaoka1: 美瑛 a field of potato, hillside in Biei
chikaoka1: 白樺街道 a white birch way
chikaoka1: 青い池 The blue pond in Biei
chikaoka1: 北西の丘展望公園と飛行機 view from Hokuseino-oka hill
chikaoka1: フラワーランドかみふらの Flower land Kamifurano
chikaoka1: 大雪山の花ーキスゲとキンバイ Hemerocallis flava var. yezoenis and Trollius japonicaus
chikaoka1: 十勝岳と馬鈴薯畑 Mt.Tokachidake and field of potato
chikaoka1: 中富良野風景 scenery of Naka-Furano
chikaoka1: コウリンタンポポ Hieracium aurantiacum
chikaoka1: ぜるぶの丘 Zerubu hill
chikaoka1: 黒岳・桂月岳・凌雲岳・川上岳を望む from Kurodake Ropeway
chikaoka1: 黒岳山頂