chikaoka1: 雲 Clouds くも
chikaoka1: 菖蒲園と雲と-41 Koiwa Iris Garden and clouds
chikaoka1: 菖蒲園-40 Koiwa Iris Garden
chikaoka1: 江戸川散歩-39 Take a walk in Edogawa
chikaoka1: 菖蒲園のおわりに-2 Koiwa Iris Garden.
chikaoka1: 菖蒲園の終わりに-1 Koiwa Iris Garden.
chikaoka1: 江戸川散歩NO1番外編2️⃣Extra photo series of Take a WalkーKoiwa Iris Garden.
chikaoka1: 江戸川散歩NO1番外編1️⃣−Extra photo series of Take a WalkーKoiwa Iris Garden.
chikaoka1: 江戸川散歩NO1番外編3️⃣ Extra photo series of Take a Walk.
chikaoka1: 夕陽の街 the setting sun and town
chikaoka1: 江戸川散歩NO1番外編6️⃣ Extra photo series of Take a Walk.
chikaoka1: GO ON A TRIP------Come home!!!
chikaoka1: 麦秋の空 Summer clouds and wheat
chikaoka1: 北西の丘展望公園と飛行機 view from Hokuseino-oka hill
chikaoka1: ラベンダーの丘 Flower(Lavender)- field slope in Naka-Furano
chikaoka1: 美瑛- 四季彩の丘 Shikisai-no-oka in Biei
chikaoka1: ぜるぶの丘 Zerubu hill
chikaoka1: 黒岳・桂月岳・凌雲岳・川上岳を望む from Kurodake Ropeway
chikaoka1: 美瑛の朝 the morning of Biei
chikaoka1: 四季彩の丘から view from Biei Shikisai-no oka hill
chikaoka1: ジャガイモの丘 a field of potato, hillside in Biei
chikaoka1: 托真館からの眺め-2 view from the window
chikaoka1: タンポポの空 the Sky of Dandelion
chikaoka1: 美瑛の丘 hill of Biei
chikaoka1: アスパラの空 the Sky of Asparagus L.
chikaoka1: 北西の丘よりfrom Hokuseino-oka hill
chikaoka1: 北瑛の風景 scenery of Hokuei
chikaoka1: ぜるぶの丘 Zerubu hill
chikaoka1: ラベンダーの丘よりFlower(Lavender)-field slope in Naka-Furano
chikaoka1: 丘の赤い屋根 a red-roofed house and hill