juliethangel: In the Air I found your heart
juliethangel: With a Book that has a start
juliethangel: It was a Close up to a time
juliethangel: with a Direction to my life
juliethangel: you can be Elegant at times
juliethangel: and a Friend thats in my life
juliethangel: there are Gaps that might come by
juliethangel: In every day a new Hat can start a different story
juliethangel: like lets picture us in an Image of this book
juliethangel: like the ones in story books in Romeo & Juliet
juliethangel: I think you became the Light of my days
juliethangel: and i don’t have a Mask to hide my feelings
juliethangel: Nothing can change how i feel
juliethangel: because you are the only one i want
juliethangel: to travel Path down with
juliethangel: there are some Quiet times we will need
juliethangel: but is a Road that we can face
juliethangel: we have such of Sick colors that contrast our personalities
juliethangel: we can become Tree and come together from the roots
juliethangel: to a Unique type of story that
juliethangel: would make people's View change about you
juliethangel: i have left a Weakness spot
juliethangel: for you but we have a crazy story that rides
juliethangel: like zig zag roller skates can make us move.