__BaRoudeuR__: La vie change, les images restent
Adam West Photography: Tranquillity Is Here
Adam West Photography: When The Sun Goes Down
Gio guarda le stelle: ... tramonto al Limides
Vagelis Pikoulas: Wild sea at sunset
Carl Vanassche: Higher and Higher
miyukiz4 ɥsıןƃuǝ ɹood: I'm on vacation right now.
junjiaoyama: sunset 6181
Dg.63: A ray of light
enry.dep60: Tutti a chiedersi, ma come fanno i marinai? e nessuno che si chiede come facciano i pescatori...
Antonio Mormando: dal prato alla tela
Lucille-bs: Regard de loup
Michele Tollapi: ti sento...
kidda63: A frosty, misty dawn
paolotrapella: the last light
Pat=H: The sunrise
ant_moc: Lake.Mist.Scotland.
Zz manipulation: Arancioro
CeeLive Photography: White Tower and Willow Tree B&W
JDS Fine Art Photography: The Light in the Storm
ivgmarc: De entre la multitud - 2
Geinis: Northern Lights.
Toon E: France - Mont Saint Michel
hpd-fotografy: Rock 'n Roll Aurora (explored)
289RAW: Broad Bench sunset.
Raw Light Photography: Early morning on Snowy Island
Frank S. Andreassen: Reflecting Aurora