YazObara: Trailhead photo
YazObara: Trailhead photo
YazObara: Lilium columbianum (Small flowered tiger lily)
YazObara: Ipomopsis aggregata (Scarlet gilia)
YazObara: Arnica amplexicaulis (streambank arnica)
YazObara: Aquilegia flavescens (golden columbine)
YazObara: Dodecatheon jeffreyi (Jeffrey's shooting star)
YazObara: Dodecatheon jeffreyi (Jeffrey's shooting star)
YazObara: Drymocallis glandulosa (Sticky cinquefoil)
YazObara: Ladies hiking up to Navaho Pass
YazObara: Balsamorhiza sagittata (Arrowleaf balsamroot)
YazObara: View from Navaho Pass
YazObara: View from Navaho Pass
YazObara: View from Navaho Pass with the name of the peaks
YazObara: Yaz and Kazue at Navaho Pass
YazObara: Group photo at Navaho Pass
YazObara: Group photo at Navaho Pass
YazObara: Drymocallis glandulosa (Sticky cinquefoil)
YazObara: Lomatium triternatum (nine-leaf biscuitroot)
YazObara: Castilleja hispida (harsh paintbrush)
YazObara: Phlox diffusa (Spreading phlox)
YazObara: Castilleja hispida (harsh paintbrush)
YazObara: Hackelia micrantha (blue stickseed)
YazObara: Anemone drummondii (Drummond's anemone)
YazObara: Aquilegia formosa (Red columbine)
YazObara: Meadow full of shooting stars
YazObara: Lewisia columbiana (Columbia lewisia)
YazObara: Dasiphora floribunda (shrubby cinquefoil)
YazObara: Aster
YazObara: Aquilegia formosa (Red columbine)