GleamGloom: Lycaena phlaeas
GleamGloom: Argyreus hyperbius
GleamGloom: Argyreus hyperbius
GleamGloom: Ideopsis similis
GleamGloom: Pachiliopta aristrochiae
GleamGloom: One summer day
GleamGloom: Fairy of the Spring
GleamGloom: Scales
GleamGloom: Rui Well Hind wing
GleamGloom: Pattern
GleamGloom: Small beauty
GleamGloom: Beginning of Summer day
GleamGloom: Japanese Oakblue
GleamGloom: Cyrestis thyodamas
GleamGloom: Soon after emergence
GleamGloom: One Autumn day
GleamGloom: Messenger of Autumn
GleamGloom: Blue and yellow
GleamGloom: On November day
GleamGloom: Survived through winter
GleamGloom: Short tailed blue
GleamGloom: Same color
GleamGloom: Lucky day in May
GleamGloom: Only one blue drop
GleamGloom: Short break on rainy day
GleamGloom: My decorative goods
GleamGloom: Avoiding sunshine
GleamGloom: Under the tree
GleamGloom: Dancing in the Plateau