ally ally oxen free: (taken by Carly - the glasses belong to Molly)
ally ally oxen free: earlier picture of Pennysnuggles
ally ally oxen free: 365 out-take
ally ally oxen free: lady in red, in red
ally ally oxen free: Adventures in Photoshop
ally ally oxen free: Adventures in Photoshop
ally ally oxen free: Adventures in PHOTOSHOP
ally ally oxen free: Adventures in PHOTOSHOP
ally ally oxen free: Scandalized!!
ally ally oxen free: A sleepless night. Watching the sun rise.
ally ally oxen free: bored in the car.
ally ally oxen free: bored in the car.
ally ally oxen free: bored in the car.
ally ally oxen free: squinting in the sun
ally ally oxen free: I'm a bit evil.
ally ally oxen free: Jump shot: take one
ally ally oxen free: My old long hair, and Laura's top.
ally ally oxen free: Jump for Jamba Joy
ally ally oxen free: without one shadow of a doubt
ally ally oxen free: Je suis back!!
ally ally oxen free: Tomfoolery at the Bike Racks
ally ally oxen free: We were in Princeton and I didn't pick that plant, I promise. I found it on the ground. (13/365)