Maufdi: look at the flag!
Maufdi: you dare?
Maufdi: ok, then take THIS
Maufdi: DOWN!
Maufdi: "zum Fressen gern I"
Maufdi: "zum Fressen gern II"
Maufdi: "zum Fressen gern III"
Maufdi: posing in late afternoon autumn light
Maufdi: think I spotted a squirrel...
Maufdi: there it goes!
Maufdi: hurry up, we get it!
Maufdi: come down again, coward!
Maufdi: sooooo lazy
Maufdi: sleeping peacefully
Maufdi: fast...
Maufdi: even faster...
Maufdi: top speed
Maufdi: got you!
Maufdi: now it´s my turn
Maufdi: yeeeeeah!
Maufdi: another DOWN!
Maufdi: time for food, don´t you think?
Maufdi: "after meal - trance"
Maufdi: who´s drunk?
Maufdi: the caretakers
Maufdi: halleluja for two voices
Maufdi: keep moving!
Maufdi: where is this crazy guy running again?
Maufdi: zum Fressen gern IV
Maufdi: play or fight?