1130am: boston hoop troop!
1130am: WC?B
1130am: let's play
1130am: another prepared kid
1130am: jesse
1130am: through the drum
1130am: time for fun
1130am: over their heads
1130am: bringing the crowd in
1130am: get low
1130am: soloing
1130am: bellows
1130am: drum battle
1130am: behind the sousaphones
1130am: art is all around
1130am: big nazo
1130am: red and black
1130am: WC?B
1130am: this alien kept getting his arms in the shot...
1130am: notice the fancy eyelashes
1130am: coming for the audience
1130am: ndcc and john
1130am: greg's new shorts
1130am: half a horseshoe
1130am: what cheer wuz here
1130am: everyone likes chalk
1130am: larry
1130am: alien self portrait
1130am: attack?
1130am: climbing