G-HEP: corellascouplebranch
G-HEP: butcherbird2
G-HEP: IMG_9980
G-HEP: IMG_0065
G-HEP: IMG_0064
G-HEP: IMG_0061
G-HEP: IMG_0060
G-HEP: IMG_0059
G-HEP: IMG_0039
G-HEP: IMG_0038
G-HEP: IMG_0037
G-HEP: IMG_0036
G-HEP: IMG_0034
G-HEP: IMG_0043
G-HEP: IMG_0042
G-HEP: IMG_0041
G-HEP: IMG_9940
G-HEP: IMG_9927
G-HEP: IMG_9926
G-HEP: IMG_9921
G-HEP: IMG_9941
G-HEP: Corella wire (18 of 7)
G-HEP: red rumps drink (2 of 1)
G-HEP: Corellas (4 of 4)
G-HEP: Emus (1)
G-HEP: Nnankeen Night Heron (2 of 1)
G-HEP: Striated heron2 (2 of 1)
G-HEP: apostlebirds tap Beauty (2)
G-HEP: Little friarbird (6)
G-HEP: Fleays nankeen night herons