n8myton: lcc arrival
n8myton: stud
n8myton: not convinced
n8myton: approach
n8myton: do we have to talus
n8myton: racking up
n8myton: impatient
n8myton: raining
n8myton: real slippery
n8myton: so slippery
n8myton: best view
n8myton: sam 'won' this pitch
n8myton: he looked good
n8myton: it was wet
n8myton: i was wet
n8myton: dave was wet
n8myton: dyno, apparently
n8myton: boot
n8myton: nice flakes
n8myton: tricky slab step over
n8myton: back at u
n8myton: short pitch
n8myton: fashion show
n8myton: no lunch
n8myton: sick
n8myton: not to belaybor the point
n8myton: but the view is good
n8myton: sam is a fall colors
n8myton: placing a gear
n8myton: sick lieback