bleedenm: Harbor 236 of 365 (2)
bleedenm: Brant Point Lighthouse 183 of 365 (2)
bleedenm: Leaving Hyannis, MA 179 of 365 (2)
bleedenm: Point Judith Lighthouse 37 of 65
bleedenm: Grasses and the Brant Light-196 of 365 (2)
bleedenm: Great Point Lighthouse 189 of 365 (2)
bleedenm: Beavertail Lighthouse 255 of 365
bleedenm: The Grosse Point Lighhouse 65 of 365
bleedenm: Chicago Harbor Lighthouse 162 of 365
bleedenm: Gross Point Lighthouse 265 of 365 (2)
bleedenm: Looking Up 221 of 365 (4)
bleedenm: Grosse Point Light Close-Up 16 of 365 (Year 5)
bleedenm: Keeper's Residence 182 of 365 (Year 7)
bleedenm: Plum Beach Light 185 of 365 (4)
bleedenm: Mystic Seaport Lighthouse 142 of 365 (3)
bleedenm: Bailey's Harbor Upper Range Light 354 of 365 (Year 11 )