bill.d: Portage Drain
rwgabbro1: Integrative Natural History of Fayette Historic State Park, Part 7: Stone, Brick, Timber, and Terracing | Garden Peninsula, on Michigan's Upper Peninsula, USA
bill.d: For a little while longer
James Marvin Phelps: Unexpected Surprise
James Marvin Phelps: Frozen Falls II
James Marvin Phelps: Season's Greetings
James Marvin Phelps: Frozen Falls
James Marvin Phelps: Winter Sunset
JMS2: Gazebo
#Sacho#: Look
#Sacho#: Into the sun
#Sacho#: In the morning
#Sacho#: Pig
#Sacho#: In the snow II
#Sacho#: In the deep forest
Sultan Sultani: Male Cooper’s Hawk
Peeb OK: Monochrome
marinagermain78: Junco ardoisé - Dark-eyed Junco DSC00405-Mod.jpg
franzisko hauser: Reflection on a winter lake
Jean-Michel Priaux: La vie en rose
heike183: 463460249_2822422781261870_1302961656824225292_n
heike183: 463485718_2822422771261871_5527220101470478202_n
Dhina A: Mushroom
Paul lindley wildlife: Waiting for mum, grey seal pup
andywilson1963: Red Squirrel
Jens Schröter: Pilze im Winter
davisrickcharlesallan: Northern Parula
paullangton: Close encounters
paullangton: Mushrooms