themeanfriend: State of catlike readiness
themeanfriend: DSC01489
themeanfriend: DSC01486
themeanfriend: Noble peacock gates
themeanfriend: Angry stone peacock
themeanfriend: Palaces are palatial
themeanfriend: DSC01505
themeanfriend: The jewelry shop owner insisted on driving me to a local store. I was nervous.
themeanfriend: Apprehensive about India traffic on a scooter.
themeanfriend: Angry bird
themeanfriend: Chewing deer
themeanfriend: Two angry birds
themeanfriend: Cold in the early morning van trip (cold and tigerless)
themeanfriend: Me and my adoring fans. (Seriously, every single one of these dudes demanded solo and group photos.)
themeanfriend: Michael's fancy photography
themeanfriend: This little girl and I talked about peacocks. Later, she found me at a nearby temple and we discussed America.
themeanfriend: More fans! I'm a pretty big deal in India. :)
themeanfriend: Unhappy about mandatory headgear at the Sikh temple
themeanfriend: Expeliarmus!
themeanfriend: Surly about the mandatory full body covering they gave me.
themeanfriend: The only peacocks I got to pet.
themeanfriend: Misty Taj gates
themeanfriend: Sure, he hugs me, but does he ever build me a palace?
themeanfriend: DSC00897
themeanfriend: Taj gates. Yes, outside Delhi was this foggy.
themeanfriend: DSC00960
themeanfriend: Udaipur lake palace at night
themeanfriend: Relaxed
themeanfriend: Relaxed (but chilly)