Romanus_too: Tomb of the Warrior, Lanuvium
Romanus_too: Tomb of the Warrior, Lanuvium
Romanus_too: Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore, Aricia
Romanus_too: DSC00680
Romanus_too: DSC00680
Romanus_too: Forum cippus
Romanus_too: "Tabula alimentaria" of the "Ligures Baebiani"
Romanus_too: Burial pots
Romanus_too: DSC00713
Romanus_too: DSC00712
Romanus_too: Funerary inscription of Nothus
Romanus_too: DSC00710
Romanus_too: Christian inscription
Romanus_too: Stele of P. Sulpicius Peregrinus
Romanus_too: DSC00697
Romanus_too: DSC00696
Romanus_too: DSC00689
Romanus_too: DSC00686
Romanus_too: Monument for imperial cult
Romanus_too: DSC00715
Romanus_too: DSC00714
Romanus_too: DSC00702
Romanus_too: DSC00700
Romanus_too: DSC00695
Romanus_too: DSC00694
Romanus_too: Ara Pietatis Augustae : inscription
Romanus_too: DSC00692
Romanus_too: DSC00691
Romanus_too: Funerary inscription of Tacitus
Romanus_too: Monument for imperial cult