Bill Riley: April 1st Bellis perennis (double daisy)
Bill Riley: April 2nd Narcissus 'Tête-à-tête'
Bill Riley: 3rd April Primrose
Bill Riley: 4th April Narcissus Pheasant Eye
Bill Riley: 5th April Peeping into the private world of the Chrocus
Bill Riley: 4th April 2 Narcissus Pheasant Eye
Bill Riley: 6th April Last of the Snowdrops
Bill Riley: 7th April Lesser Celandine _ Ranunculus ficaria
Bill Riley: 8th April Cyclamen coum in woodland
Bill Riley: 9th April Helebore close
Bill Riley: 10th April Drumstick primrose_Primula denticulata
Bill Riley: 11th April Aubretia just opening
Bill Riley: 12th April White Winter Heather_Erica carnea
Bill Riley: 13th April Purple Sprouting Broccoli_Brassica oleraceai
Bill Riley: 14th April Corydalis flexuosa
Bill Riley: 15th April Grape Hyacinth_Muscari armeniacum
Bill Riley: 16th April Hyacinth Blue_Hyacinthus orientalis
Bill Riley: 17th April A bit too close for decency
Bill Riley: 18th April Creamy-white Narsissi
Bill Riley: 19th April Lungwort_Pulmonaria
Bill Riley: 20th April Forsythia x intermedia
Bill Riley: 21st April Tulip anthers pollen and stigma
Bill Riley: 22nd April Pansy_Viola tricolor (hybrid)
Bill Riley: 23rd April Myosostis just opening
Bill Riley: 24th April Arabis or Rock Cress
Bill Riley: 25th April Dandielion_Teraxacum officinale
Bill Riley: 26th April Dog's Tooth Violet_Erythronium dens-canis
Bill Riley: 27th April Red Dead-nettle_Lamium purpureum
Bill Riley: 28th April Viburnum tinus
Bill Riley: 29th April 2013 Cherry Blossom_Prunus avium