sudiorca: American goldfinch
sudiorca: American goldfinch
sudiorca: Loggerhead shrike
sudiorca: American kestrel
sudiorca: Loggerhead shrike (uncropped)
sudiorca: Swainson's hawk
sudiorca: A swainson's hawk with closed nictitating membrane. I made this image at Benson marina near Logan, Utah. 25% cropped from the original image.
sudiorca: American kestrel
sudiorca: American kestrel
sudiorca: Peregrine falcon
sudiorca: American kestrel
sudiorca: The perfect family.
sudiorca: Western grebe with a baby. I made this image at Bear river migratory bird refuge at Brigham city, Utah. slightly cropped from the original image.
sudiorca: California gull caught a fish. I made this image at Benson marina near Logan, Utah . Slightly cropped from the original image.
sudiorca: marsh wren peeking through the thick cattail marsh. I made this image at Benson marina near Logan, Utah. Slightly cropped from the original.
sudiorca: Another shot of the marsh wren in the thick cattail marsh. I made this image at Benson marina near Logan, Utah. Slightly cropped from the original.
sudiorca: 2801
sudiorca: A male northern harrier carrying a vole and a western kingbird chasing him away from its territory.
sudiorca: A female northern harrier flying towards me.
sudiorca: American goldfinch (male)
sudiorca: american goldfinch (male)
sudiorca: double reflection, killdeer
sudiorca: froggy
sudiorca: I got a fish
sudiorca: male northern harrier with a vole
sudiorca: another shot of the male northern harrier taking off with a vole. I made this image on July 6th, 2014 at Benson marina near Logan, Utah. Slightly cropped from the original image.
sudiorca: third frame of the male northern harrier taking off with a vole. I made this image on July 6th, 2014 at Benson marina near Logan, Utah. Slightly cropped from the original image.
sudiorca: second frame of the male northern harrier taking off with a vole. I made this image on July 6th, 2014 at Benson marina near Logan, Utah. Slightly cropped from the original image.
sudiorca: a male northern harrier taking off with a vole. I made this image on July 6th, 2014 at Benson marina near Logan, Utah. Slightly cropped from the original image.
sudiorca: song sparrow