kdmadore: Yes, it really is that green!
kdmadore: Passing the "green pond"
kdmadore: The color of the day is....
kdmadore: A local in the north woods
kdmadore: Sunny skies at Little Sucker
kdmadore: Charging through Palmers
kdmadore: DM&IR local at work
kdmadore: Charging through Palmers
kdmadore: Steam to the front!
kdmadore: Mixed train on the DM&IR
kdmadore: Northbound at Knife River
kdmadore: Branch Line Freight
kdmadore: DM&IR 332 re-enacts the Burning of Rome
kdmadore: Palmers
kdmadore: Stop, Look, Listen....and Enjoy!
kdmadore: Pulling into the hole at Palrmers
kdmadore: DM&IR mixed service to Two Harbors
kdmadore: Mixed train to Two Harbors
kdmadore: In the yard at Duluth
kdmadore: On the Big Sucker High Bridge
kdmadore: Passenger service to Two Harbors
kdmadore: Passenger Service to Two Harbors