kdmadore: Evening departure at Chama
kdmadore: Work Extra 315 at Dalton
kdmadore: Tanking in the Chama Yard
kdmadore: Work Extra 315 enters "The Narrows"
kdmadore: "Work Extra 315 at the "S-Curve"
kdmadore: Orgasm Curve
kdmadore: Work Extra 315 approaches Cresco Tank
kdmadore: Steamscape: Climbing past Perry's Pond
kdmadore: Arriving at Cumbres Pass
kdmadore: Tanking at Cumbres Station
kdmadore: Servicing in the Cumbres Yard
kdmadore: Eastbound at MP 323
kdmadore: Charging east at Cascade Creek
kdmadore: In the hole at Osier
kdmadore: Steamscape: Los Pinos Valley and Cascade Trestle
kdmadore: Rio de Los Pinos: MP 323.4
kdmadore: Rounding Tanglefoot in pretty light
kdmadore: A meeting with the boss at Cumbres Pass
kdmadore: A C-18 on Cumbres Pass once again
kdmadore: Departing for Alamosa
kdmadore: Tanglefoot Eastbound
kdmadore: Passing the Los Pinos River
kdmadore: Charging east at Cascade
kdmadore: A pair of geese "fly" over Cascade Creek
kdmadore: Snaking her way past MP 309
kdmadore: A formation of geese
kdmadore: Phabulous Phantom Curve
kdmadore: Out on the high iron for the first time in decades!
kdmadore: Out on the high iron for the first time in decades!
kdmadore: In the silence of the yard at Ridgway