jeremoss: izombies
jeremoss: stopped still
jeremoss: east village before and after
jeremoss: formica
jeremoss: concept
jeremoss: zombie dad and kid
jeremoss: starting them young
jeremoss: texting Lilliputian
jeremoss: upscale zombies
jeremoss: how to enjoy Central Park
jeremoss: boobs, zombie
jeremoss: model zombie
jeremoss: big purse zombie
jeremoss: phone
jeremoss: phone to phone
jeremoss: upper east side
jeremoss: orange
jeremoss: high line texter
jeremoss: don't step on the weeds
jeremoss: guard your dumbphones
jeremoss: no helmet, while texting
jeremoss: yap yap yap
jeremoss: varvatos: cellphone love
jeremoss: duh...
jeremoss: toddling zombie in the Village of the damned
jeremoss: texting marine
jeremoss: news anchor
jeremoss: clutching it
jeremoss: marines
jeremoss: marines