plumheadedfinch: 20141222 Belted Kingfisher
plumheadedfinch: 20141108 Eastern Bluebird
plumheadedfinch: 20141108 Eastern Bluebird
plumheadedfinch: 20141108 Mourning Dove
plumheadedfinch: 20141019 North Lookout
plumheadedfinch: 20140920 South Lookout in the Fog
plumheadedfinch: 20140908 Turkey Hill Nature Preserve
plumheadedfinch: 20140830 Great Blue Heron
plumheadedfinch: 20140826 Verbesina alternifolia
plumheadedfinch: 20130905 wood frog
plumheadedfinch: 20120828 northern spring peeper
plumheadedfinch: 20120315 Elk
plumheadedfinch: 20100321 Pileated Woodpecker
plumheadedfinch: 20100321 Pileated Woodpecker
plumheadedfinch: 20030908 Cooper's Hawk with Gray Squirrel