Quid Squid: Man-made Disaster: Study i
Quid Squid: Man-made Disaster: Study ii
Quid Squid: Man-made Disaster: Study iii
Quid Squid: Man-made Disaster: Study CLASSIFIED
Quid Squid: PileofSkulls
Quid Squid: the Calydonian Boar
Quid Squid: Medusa Beheaded
Quid Squid: Charon, Ferryman of the River Styx
Quid Squid: Release the Kraken
Quid Squid: Herc vs the Hydra
Quid Squid: Clash of the Kraken
Quid Squid: Norm Joins the Navy
Quid Squid: hagar the hunted