Nette LS: Legaspi City at night 21 July09
Nette LS: Manny Azurin Legaspi BE
Nette LS: Legaspi beauty...huh
Nette LS: sleepy and tired
Nette LS: Legaspi City at night
Nette LS: the best...Manny
Nette LS: Beautiful Mayon
Nette LS: ang Magayon & me
Nette LS: tired man
Nette LS: Daraga Church Our Lady of the Gate
Nette LS: parang post card but its true
Nette LS: Our Lady of the Gate
Nette LS: Agnes, Tricia & Manny Azurin
Nette LS: 21-22July 2009
Nette LS: Trishia of Consortio
Nette LS: Trishia
Nette LS: Tricia & I
Nette LS: Tricia, Agnes & Magayon