AtmosFear Video: Messier 31-Andromeda Galaxy, Messier 110-upper left of center, Messier 32-elliptical galaxy-right of center right side of Andromeda.
AtmosFear Video: Messier 81- Bode's Galaxy-center right, Messier 82-Cigar Galaxy- upper, NGC 3077 left side low.
AtmosFear Video: Bob making adjustments and protecting his night vision.
AtmosFear Video: Fall campout, looking west at some of the Milky Way Galaxy.
AtmosFear Video: Pleiades at 2 minutes with some of its nebulosity
AtmosFear Video: Wide angle and 15 seconds Andromeda at the top and Jupiter right bottom
AtmosFear Video: Nebula and a 3 minute exposure.
AtmosFear Video: North American Nebula. A bit off center.
AtmosFear Video: Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) Left the tree in for some perspective.
AtmosFear Video: Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) Cropped to try to show some detail.
AtmosFear Video: SpaceX Starlink Satellite String. 9/26/22. Camping in Oregon's high desert, enjoying the New Moon darkness and this string of Starlink satellites appeared overhead. A mad dash for the camera and this test video didn't seem to show anything.
AtmosFear Video: SpaceX Starlink satellites pass overhead west to east. Video in Real Time. The brightest and longest of 3 strings. A bit long. I captured the whole string and adjusted the angle to get the most in a single 18mm lens view.
AtmosFear Video: M31 Andromeda Galaxy, dead center. Shooting Star, lower left. 9 satellite trails, probably Starlinks.
AtmosFear Video: Milky way Galaxy looking south.
AtmosFear Video: Bob working on his photos.
AtmosFear Video: The Milky Way and a barely lit up canyon.
AtmosFear Video: Can you spot Brocchi's Cluster? (The Coathanger)
AtmosFear Video: Time exposure. Camp and Stars
AtmosFear Video: Time exposure. Watching the stars.
AtmosFear Video: Jupiter and Saturn 1 day after the conjunction. Thankfully the clouds parted briefly.
AtmosFear Video: Blue Moon and Towers
AtmosFear Video: Comet Neowise
AtmosFear Video: Comet Neowise Eastern Oregon
AtmosFear Video: Comet Neowise. Thanks Bob for letting me know.
AtmosFear Video: A dark night. Milky Way out my back door.
AtmosFear Video: Andromeda Galaxy right and low of center off Milky Way Galaxys arm.
AtmosFear Video: Now I'm just playing around.
AtmosFear Video: Camped under the Stars. Central Oregon
AtmosFear Video: Comet Neowise
AtmosFear Video: Comet Neowise centralish, Oregon