AtmosFear Video: Evening Grosbeaks
AtmosFear Video: Sunrise silhouettes
AtmosFear Video: Cold morning - sun feels good.
AtmosFear Video: School House a long way off.
AtmosFear Video: Bald Eagle- immature
AtmosFear Video: Trumpeter Swans fly by.
AtmosFear Video: Greater White-fronted Geese
AtmosFear Video: Tall grass and the ridge line
AtmosFear Video: Cattails and scenery
AtmosFear Video: Prairie Falcon
AtmosFear Video: Summer Lake scenery
AtmosFear Video: Barn and the fence line
AtmosFear Video: Great Horned Owl has the barn all to its self.
AtmosFear Video: Road less traveled. Searching for wildlife
AtmosFear Video: Cozy Camp. Getting some afternoon rays.
AtmosFear Video: Ridge contrasts
AtmosFear Video: Tundra Swans and Canada Geese.
AtmosFear Video: Tundra Swan reflections.
AtmosFear Video: Snow Geese lift off.
AtmosFear Video: Snow Geese Landings. Bald Eagle keeping watch in the distance.
AtmosFear Video: Snow Geese landings close up.
AtmosFear Video: Mostly for the Trumpeter Swan calls.
AtmosFear Video: Eagles, Sandhill Cranes and Sounds Of The Marsh.
AtmosFear Video: Active Aermotor
AtmosFear Video: Chase plane? Flying formation.
AtmosFear Video: Jupiter with Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.
AtmosFear Video: Luna heading toward moonset.
AtmosFear Video: Moonset #1
AtmosFear Video: Moonset #2