AtmosFear Video: Fall campout, looking west at some of the Milky Way Galaxy.
AtmosFear Video: As long as I'm posting fly overs, here's one of the International Space Station 20 second exposure.
AtmosFear Video: Time-Lapse: Altocumulus Fallstreaks
AtmosFear Video: Gray Digger getting brave.
AtmosFear Video: Camp, unusually empty for now.
AtmosFear Video: Hastily hung solar panel in windless conditions.
AtmosFear Video: The sky is on fire.
AtmosFear Video: Cottonwood Canyon State Park.
AtmosFear Video: Ed, Jim and Chris taking refuge from the wind.
AtmosFear Video: 95 degrees, glad the wind was blowing.
AtmosFear Video: Milky Way and Brocchi's Cluster, almost centered.
AtmosFear Video: Afternoon shadows.
AtmosFear Video: Enjoying some desert country.
AtmosFear Video: Night Train with some star action.
AtmosFear Video: Not there when I came through a few days ago. I cleaned the right hand lane before I continued.
AtmosFear Video: Home for the night.
AtmosFear Video: Scenery at the campsite.
AtmosFear Video: Hanging out around the fire.
AtmosFear Video: Out of the wind and rain.
AtmosFear Video: Pleiades in the corner and camp.
AtmosFear Video: Bob making adjustments and protecting his night vision.
AtmosFear Video: Camp looking northish.
AtmosFear Video: Looking for a field of Shooting Stars on a trip for a Meteor Shower.
AtmosFear Video: On the road up.
AtmosFear Video: Mt. Adams in the clouds.
AtmosFear Video: Four Wheel Camper under there.
AtmosFear Video: Four Wheel Camper