AtmosFear Video:
AtmosFear Video:
John Day River side canyon. Possible Old Oregon Trail tracks in the distance.
AtmosFear Video:
Very odiferous Tree
AtmosFear Video:
Abandoned Farm Truck
AtmosFear Video:
Abandoned Farm Truck
AtmosFear Video:
Been there awhile. 1953 Plymouth Belvedere
AtmosFear Video:
1953 Plymouth Belvedere.
AtmosFear Video:
Roadside ruin. Any guess's?
AtmosFear Video:
Wigwam burner
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Malheur Nation Wildlife Refuge sign
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Long-billed Curlew
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Trumpter Swan
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Standing tall in a field of blue Camas
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Franklin's Gulls
AtmosFear Video:
Franklin's Gull
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Black-necked Stilt
AtmosFear Video:
Black-necked Stilt with a catch.
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Lewis's Woodpecker
AtmosFear Video:
Marmots staying dry under the bridge
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Lessor Goldfinch
AtmosFear Video:
Lessor Goldfinch
AtmosFear Video:
Lessor Goldfinch feeding Video
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Cedar Waxwings
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AtmosFear Video:
Red-winged Blackbird and Sandhill Crane with a look
AtmosFear Video:
Red-winged Blackbird and Sandhill Crane
AtmosFear Video:
Western Tanager
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Black-headed Grosbeak
AtmosFear Video:
Bullock's Oriole