AtmosFear Video: Your typical Western Meadowlark pose
AtmosFear Video: Odd ball Canada Goose
AtmosFear Video: Eared Grebe Pair-Video
AtmosFear Video: Eared Grebe
AtmosFear Video: Spring WildFlowers
AtmosFear Video: Flowering Fields in SE Oregon
AtmosFear Video: Wilson's Snipe
AtmosFear Video: Blue-winged Teal pair. Burns, Oregon
AtmosFear Video: Blue-winged Teal - Video
AtmosFear Video: "I See You"
AtmosFear Video: Burrowing Owl
AtmosFear Video: Wilson's Phalarope and Co.
AtmosFear Video: Sandhill Crane
AtmosFear Video: YOU looking at ME?
AtmosFear Video: Fearless little Chipmunk
AtmosFear Video: Black-chinned Hummingbird-female
AtmosFear Video: Oriole and nest
AtmosFear Video: Cedar Waxwing and Pine Siskin
AtmosFear Video: Western Tanager
AtmosFear Video: Yellow-headed Blackbird
AtmosFear Video: Warbling Vireo
AtmosFear Video: It was good, but these colors are enhanced. Turkey Vulture overhead.
AtmosFear Video: Yellow-breasted Chat
AtmosFear Video: Yellow-breasted Chat giving its all.
AtmosFear Video: Yellow-breasted Chat
AtmosFear Video: Say's Phoebe
AtmosFear Video: Northern Rough-winged Swallow
AtmosFear Video: White-throated Sparrow at Malheur-P Ranch
AtmosFear Video: American Robin "The Early Bird"
AtmosFear Video: Bobolink