AtmosFear Video:
Wrentit songs Video.
AtmosFear Video:
Snow Buntings-Video close up
AtmosFear Video:
Oregon Snow Buntings-Video
AtmosFear Video:
Snow Buntings-Video
AtmosFear Video:
AtmosFear Video:
Greater Yellowlegs and their calls- Video
AtmosFear Video:
Whales Bubble-net feeding at 18 second mark-Video
AtmosFear Video:
Black Bear Catches and Eats a Salmon. Video
AtmosFear Video:
Grizzly Video- Short and Shaky
AtmosFear Video:
Video-Sharp-shinned Hawk with prey (Starling?).
AtmosFear Video:
Great Egrets and GBH's Feeding-Video
AtmosFear Video:
Mt. Goats digiscoped Video with iPhone.
AtmosFear Video:
Mt. Goats and Kids- Video
AtmosFear Video:
Bar-tailed Godwit- Video
AtmosFear Video:
Vesper Sparrow singing-Video
AtmosFear Video:
Rose-breasted Grosbeak-Video at Malheur NWR
AtmosFear Video:
Great Egret hunting.
AtmosFear Video:
Laughing Gull Kinda shakey, hard to hold still with the wind and no tripod
AtmosFear Video:
Happy Dancing Elk at Bayocean. Tillamook Spit.
AtmosFear Video:
Can you find all the Eurasian Wigeon in this video? Hint-There's 4
AtmosFear Video:
Tree Faller at work.
AtmosFear Video:
Coyote on the prowl. With some unusuals in the crowd
AtmosFear Video:
Douglas' Squirrel getting ready for a cold winter I guess.
AtmosFear Video:
Whimbrel feeding video.
AtmosFear Video:
Gulls scarfing on bait fish at Tillamook South Jetty
AtmosFear Video:
Wood Ducks on Meares Lake
AtmosFear Video:
American Bittern Video in Breeding plumage and song
AtmosFear Video:
Bullock's Oriole video
AtmosFear Video:
Green-Tailed Towhee Video with song.
AtmosFear Video:
Bobolink sings at Malheur 5_16